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Welcome and thank you for visiting  Omega Gospel Ministries. Please feel free to read more about our church on this site, or come in for a visit at any of our Houston locations mentioned in the direction section of the website. It is always a privilege for us to welcome a new member to fellowship with us .


Join us during one of our services as we begin to live the mystery Christ in you, the hope of Glory. Come and make Omega Gospel Ministries home for you and your family in Christ.


Our Mission

Effectively mobilize, equip and develop the church, network with other churches and organizations to take the gospel to the needy, the poor, the lost and forgotten where ever they are.  We will do this by: Preaching the gospel by being the gospel. Recruiting mission workers. Fund raising to support the mission. Providing training to the worker and the church. Educating the church on mission. Requesting support from the local churches. Partnering with other churches and organizations. Accepting donations of money, clothes, shoes, and other things to support work. Planting Churches where there is the need.

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Every year, we begin the new year  with our tradition of 21 days fasting from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. During this period, Christians pray for their peculiar request from God as we fast during the day and we all come together in the church at 6 p.m. daily to break the fast with joint prayers. For as we know when two or more are gathered in fasting and prayers, God is in their midst and the heavens open for their heart desires through prayer request to be answered. Join us as we embark on this new year journey to our year  of restoration and rest for it is not one to regret.




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